Our Milestone

1993 yearAERO PRO established
1999 yearGranted ISO 9001 Quality Management System certification
2001 yearGranted ISO 13485 Medical Device Quality Management certification
2002 yearCertified under EN149:2001 FFP1/FFP2 (European standard)
2003 yearCertified under EN149:2001 FFP3
2004 yearGranted NIOSH 42CFR84 certification, becoming a pioneer in N95 mask production in Taiwan
2004 yearCollaborated with ITRI to introduce the first melt-blown production line
2007 yearGranted FDA 510K certification, expanding surgical mask sales to the U.S. market
2010 yearEN149 certification updated to EN149:2001+A1:2009 under BSI
2014 yearIntroduced the first filtration material production line
2018 yearCertification updated to EU 2016/425
2021 yearCertification updated to EU 2017/745
2022 year
Granted UKCA certification
2023 year
Launched an official brand store on Amazon U.S.
2025 year
Granted ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Emissions Verification